Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October Fun

In October the Guymon's came to visit for a week and we celebrated Halloween.

We had Breakfast with the witches at Gardner Village.

Jacob, Andrew and McKenna

We looked for 10 witches one day at Gardner Village and then got a cookie.

LilyAnna and Kristofer visited us one day.

Kristofer helped us play video games.
 McKenna in silly glasses and all the kids in new shirts from Grandma.

We went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point and had a great evening.
We went to a University of Utah Volleyball game.

We had a great week with the Guymon's.  The house was so quiet when they left.
While we were in Phoenix we got to see the boys play their T-Ball games. 

The next weekend we went to Phoenix for Jeff's son to receive the Priesthood and be ordained a Deacon. 

While we were there we got to see Brigham play flag football and he was the player of the game. He made lots of flag pulls and kept the other team from scoring so much.
Ralph, Jeff and Kimball

Jeff and Julianne are raising 6 great children.
Kimball, Joshua, Brigham, Spencer, Sam and Abigail

1 comment:

Guymon Family said...

It's fun living closer to you then NH. Glad we could visit with you.